Thursday, November 19, 2015

Internet Trolls are Grumpy Trolls

Troll. The first thing that comes to mind when I hear that is the little chubby umpa lumpa looking toy with colorful hair that sticks up, well, either that or a grumpy troll hiding under a bridge. In this case we are talking about internet trolls. Internet trolls are basically cyber bullies. I find it odd that they have the time to hate on someone. I just don't get why you want to take time out of your day to find any flaw you can in someone and then shove them in that persons face. In my opinion that type of person has an obsession or is jealous of the person they are hating on. Internet trolls are kind of like grumpy trolls in the way that they are only there to terrorize people and are always hiding. Grumpy trolls wait under the bridge until you pass by and try to scare you away. Internet trolls hide behind their computer screen and try to scare you away. They are pretty similar in my opinion. I feel like there are a lot of trolls out there and that is because they think that whatever they say won't come back to them or they believe it's completely anonymous. However there is not always complete anonymity because with things like the Internet once it's out there it can be traced back to you. Although there are people who hide and make fake accounts there are some people who hate on others openly. For example celebrities receive tons of hate on social media and if you click on the haters profile you'll find that they don't even care that people know who they are and how much they are abusing someone online. It's crazy how people don't realize what they're saying or that their words are hurting someone. Overall trolls in my opinion should be put to silence somehow.  I don't know how but hopefully the war on trolls is somehow stopped.


  1. I think about the exact same thing when I hear the word troll!! Haha and I totally agree with how trolls spend all this time just trying to point out people's flaws, like honestly go get a life.

    1. OK Rebecca, I see you. I have to say though, maybe I missed this because it so very tiny...a teeny tiny comment which essentially says "I agree!" I bet you could do better.

    2. Wait a minute. I went out to the gradebook to correct my error, and there is no error. It says OA Blog, 10/10. What are you looking at??
