Thursday, November 19, 2015

Trolls can always be bested

This post written by Victoria Sosa:

Trolls can always be bested
Trolls are malicious people who hide behind screens to avoid any confrontation, sure there are light hearted trolls but I'm talking about the stone cold ones that aim to make you cry. I've encountered trolls here and there, but the true honest full-proof way to best anything they say is to just not take it personally. What others say don't define you but that doesn't mean it won't hurt. I feel hurt whenever I hear others speak about me in a derogative way or see that they have through some internet connected device. Saying I'm a slut or dumbo isn't me at all their words don't define me and that's what matters most. It's easy to be a troll we can vent at others through the cover of anonymity and it makes it even easier to hurt others since we can't directly see the impact we're making.In this day and age no one is truly anonymous it can all be traced after all. All our actions have consequences so even if you don't see it doesn't mean it wasn't felt. Trolling should be stopped but there is no way to contain it the only solution is to best it by not letting it get to you.

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