Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Can it be stopped?

Usually bullies attempt to make themselves appear powerful and better than others through the act of bullying. Some people get bullied in person while others are bullied through the Internet by trolls. Whatever the case, they both have harmful results. Many people hide behind a screen typing inappropriate and cruel remarks. Numerous individuals think that their words are simply words and will not affect the target whom they are aiming at. However, this is not the case. Words are extremely powerful and can be taken straight to the heart.

At some point we are all told that other people's opinions of us don't matter as long as we are happy with ourselves. Nonetheless, negative statements tend to stay in our minds longer than a positive one will. I used to use the social media app called Although it was a site meant for innocent anonymous questions, sometimes I would receive hateful and unkind statements. Knowing that someone else thought negative things of me caused me to question myself and feel self conscious. I am just an average teenage girl but there are various celebrities who constantly receive hate. I cannot imagine how famous individuals must constantly feel. 

Having unkind things said about you or to you makes one feel melancholy. We never know what a person is going through in their personal life. We can say "I know how you feel" but we don't really know how they feel because everyone's feelings are unique. We may be able to relate but never feel the same thing. Bullies and Internet trolls can cause a person to feel so depressed that it affects the person's daily life. If a person is depressed and the bully is aware of it and suspects their harassing may cause them to attempt suicide and it happens, the bully will be held responsible. 

How can cyber-bullying be prevented? Is shutting down or deleting an app the only way to avoid being harassed online altogether? Should remarks being made by cyberbullies be taken seriously and/or personally? 

1 comment:

  1. Annalise,
    I couldn't agree with you more! We often remember negative things said about us more vividly than we remember the positive things said. I wish I could say that cyber-bullying could be prevented, but I cant. We can tell people to "treat others the way you want to be treated", but who knows if they will really listen in the end. The only way to avoid online harassment all together is to not use the internet or have technology, which in this day and age is practically impossible. All we can do is hope that people realize trolling is useless and start to use their technology for good. Great work!
