Friday, November 27, 2015

Trolling ISIS

There's been talk recently about the group "Anonymous" and their attempts at inconveniencing and fighting against ISIS. Anonymous is an online group with quite a large number of members that act as vigilantes of sorts. They hack and interfere with companies or organizations they believe interfere with American freedom. Their acts range from simple trolling and light harassment to hacking and doxing of high up CEO's. Now, as much as I am for trolling terrorists, I think this can only lead to trouble. Anonymous can only ever really annoy ISIS. They lack any real political power and have absolutely no military power, so they could never in their wildest dreams stop ISIS for good. Perhaps they could slow down weapon shipments or release the names of some high up members of ISIS but this doesn't achieve much. The only thing it would really accomplish is building even more hate toward the west in the minds of ISIS members, something that could leave to catastrophic results. So, as funny as it sounds, leave trolling ISIS to the U.S. government.

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