Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Room for Debate: The War Against Online Trolling

he first step is to set up your notebook as depicted in the screenshot below. Please complete the chart over two pages of your notebook so as to leave enough room to write in each box. There are seven short articles that you'll be examining; put three on the first page and the remaining four on the second.  Watch a short video here.

Next, log onto The New York Times homepage, locate the Search bar and type "room for debate the war against online trolls." This will take you to the appropriate page.

Survey the entire page (take a look at the description of Room for Debate on its main page here), the authors writing on our focus topic: The War Against Online Trolls, and then proceed to complete a first read of each of the seven articles.
  1. Danielle Keats Citron: "Time to Fight Cyberharrassment"
  2. Kristy Tillman: "Women and Minorities as Targets"
  3. Annemarie Dooling: "Don't Identify by Names but by Knowledge"
  4. Vyshali Manivannan: "When 'Trolling' Becomes an Umbrella Term"
  5. Gabriella Coleman: "Anonymity Serves Us All"
  6. Ryan M. Milner: "Dialogue Is Important, Even When It's Impolite"
  7. Whitney Phillips: "Focus on Actions and Context"
Once you have finished the first read of those articles, begin to complete the chart in your notebook. Remember, what you are unable to complete in class can be finished for homework.

Helpful Reminder:  You have been assigned 8 vocabulary words from the Lindy West article; you are to find 8 additional vocab words for study; these seven articles will be your source for these vocabulary words.

We are working hard right now.  There is much to be done.  Keep up.  Second blog post and comment due by Friday December 4.

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