Friday, December 11, 2015

White Elephant anonymity

Anonymity seems to affect our lives in a negative and a positive attitude. Anonymity is used more online than through the world. Anonymity can be used in the White Elephant Gift Exchange. This game is literally putting down 10-30 dollars on a gift and putting it in the middle of the rest of the gifts and having to choose one when it's your turn. There is also calls a steal, and this basically tells us that you can steal a gift or you can choose a gift. However that steal on that one gift is a limitation to up to two. After two steal on that gift, it's considered to be locked. Now these gifts should be both sex. You don't want to end up leaving with nail polish when you're a bro. Today I went to church, and I tried to stay anonymous as much as possible. I didn't want anyone knowing what my gift was. My gift was a care package of food, junk food, a drink, and some toilet paper. This might look a bit trollish but I think the dude that got it seemed ok....I feel bad. Having the anonymity going around, I was number 39 and I wanted to see what I wanted and when it was close to my number, I was indecisive. In the end, I did a steal on my church friend and I got Olaf pillow material. But someone ended up using their steal and took my gift. I ended up doing another steal but because it was locked, that person could challenge me or just give me their gift. She ended up challenging me and I ended up winning luckily. I stole BAYMAX. In conclusion, there were some okay gifts and some real good gifts and that's really just an anonymous game where you rely on luck that you get something good. Although anonymity can be very bad if used abusively, anonymity can also be used in fun games or etc. 

-Robin Hwang
-ERWC 5 

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you Robin. To be fair, anonymity can be both negative and/or positive, it all depends on how its presented.
