Friday, December 4, 2015

Online and Anonymous

When thinking about anonymity I get kind of anxious, just because some people don't use being anonymous on the internet in a good way. I get that some people want to use anonymity as a way of hiding themselves so they can post without their identity being revealed but what I don't get is that some people take it to an extreme. For example, they start posting rude comments and posts about others not realizing how that affects the person. Being anonymous has its perks, more bad than good. Anonymity online is like wearing a mask, because no one actually knows who you are. I think being anonymous can be used in better ways than what people are using it for. Most people that create anonymous accounts don't have anything better to do with themselves. All the articles that we've been reading deal with online and anonymous. People don't consider others feelings, and most of those people create anonymous accounts and write mean things.

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