Thursday, December 10, 2015

I'm Lowkey Getting It Now

Throughout our unit, I've learned things about internet trolls and anonymity that I never knew before. We've covered a really big spectrum of what exactly an internet troll is. I've learned that internet rolls are not always negative. They can be people who are your admirers but want to remain anonymous. Right now I'm writing my essay that I waited until the last minute to do. Not that I was too lazy to do it but because I genuinely had no idea how to. Luckily, I have a great teammate and she explained the entire essay to me. I understand now that we have state our position on the issue and support with any of the 10 articles.


  1. I have also gained some knowledge about trolls this past week! Of the 7 articles on room for debate, Milner said something about impolite speech online. He said that even though it is antagonistic, it also has a "democratic value of voice". So trolling, depending on how serious it is, may not be all that bad.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sorry, I accidentally said the same thing twice.

  4. Hi do think they're not always negative, but there are too many negatives to only see the positives, ya get me?

  5. Hey :)! I'm happy that you finally understand the concept of anonymity because it took me just as long! I too was amazed by all the different definitions and actions anonymity can be. It's crazy to believe how much effort people put in to hurt others. I think it's funny how many of us didn't really understand this essay until the last minute! But it's over with for now and we can pull through! We got this!
