Thursday, December 10, 2015

This past month, we've been learning a lot about anonymous trolling. I have much more knowledge now, than before. It really bothers me when people bully other people, anonymously behind a screen. If you want to be rude to someone, you should a) not do it or b) don't hide behind a screen. What do you get out of bullying someone? You should never put someone down, just to make your self feel better. I think that is what's wrong with our world. Instead of building people up and helping them grow, we shut them down and hurt them. If we all work on helping each other, we could have a much better world. Don't respond to negative comments, because your just giving them what they want to hear. You should respond by either ignoring them, or say "I'm sorry you feel that way". There really is no way to stop people from posting or saying negative things, all we can do is ignore them. Trolling is everywhere, and its not fair to the people who get bullied that they should have to delete their apps because of trolls.


  1. I like how you said, "What do you get out of bullying someone?" It's hard to imagine anything motivating someone to be as cruel and as inhumane as some people are online. Your post reminded me of Lindy West's article, as West asked herself some of the same questions you asked after her particularly bad trolling incident. After West talked to her worst troll, something unexpected happened; West began pitying her trolls, knowing that their hurtful words were only a reflection of bigger problems in their lives. Even knowing this about trolls, it's still hard for me to comprehend the cruelty we all see online. However, maybe if we stop and think about why trolls do such terrible things, we will be able to find and remove the motivations people have for trolling. Good blog post Heidi!

  2. I agree with both of you and the points you both make. Heidi when you say people shouldn't hide behind screens, I most definitely agree. If you can't say something to someone's face then I don't see the point of saying it. Kaila, I like the point you make when you say trolls may have a deeper reason for the hurtful things they say. Whatever is going on with them definitely does not justify their actions, but it should also be taken into account.
