The show Catfish is a show that follows the journey of couples in online relationships. Usually an individual from the relationship reaches out to the filmmakers of the show to investigate because they suspect their significant other of having something fishy about them or that they are being untruthful. Usually, the suspected person is caught lying about their identity and who they truly are.
I've watched episodes where sometimes the distrusted person isn't even the gender they say they are. Or sometimes they are in in-person relationships while continuing the cyber relationship, which is unfair to the individual on the other end. The show is overall crazy yet addicting to watch.
It's easy to become attached to a person online because there is little to no confrontation involved. Although a non-anonymous profile may be created, the identity may not necessarily be true. It's very simple to steal someone else's pictures to claim as your own and post false information about oneself. This is what makes the Internet such a scary place.
One may think that posing to be someone else online doesn't affect anyone but if an individual catches feeling for that poser, then the game has changed. At this point, emotions are involved and it may affect an individual's daily life. An individual may make plans to one day meet this amazing person but what will they do when they finally meet them and the person isn't truly who they say they have been?
It's vital to be cautious on the Internet when it comes to meeting new people because a person's online identity is unknown.
I really love this show and you exactly right. When you are an online relationship you want to believe that person is telling the truth. You want to feel an attachment when you met that person online to fill a hole inside of that you feel that is empty. When the person the episode is based on the person is catfish on they are so sad when they find out that the person that they love isn't the person that say they are on social media.