Friday, December 11, 2015

Oh man this week has been torture for me because of soccer and homework. Since this week has started I haven't been able to get good enough sleep, I've been sleeping very late maybe around 2 or 4 am or maybe not even getting sleep at all. I'm actually surprised I haven't collapsed this week due to sleep deprivation. The reason being up so late is due to the fact of homework, and trust me I was piled with a lot of work and with due dates the next day, I would start on it and there would be no end in sight. Especially what made it worse staying up late is before I would have soccer practice which would get me extremely exhausted and the only the that I would want to do when I get home is sleep and nap but I know that's not possible because I needed to do my homework. Luckily the week is over and I can finally sleep in this weekend without waking up to do homework or staying up late to do homework.

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