Thursday, December 3, 2015


In class we have been talking a lot about trolls and anonymity. In my opinion the two go hand in hand because many times trolls prefer to stay anonymous so that people will not actually know who they are and in turn call them out and hate on them. For some reason trolls hardly ever want to own up to the things they say online so they stay anonymous. I don't think accounts should be anonymous because it seems as though you have something to hide. In class today we talked about anonymity on Facebook and I feel like being anonymous on Facebook goes against what Facebook is all about. My reason for thinking this is because Facebook is a way for people to connect with friends or family, maybe meet new people, basically just get to know someone's interests and communicate, so if no one knows who you are then I don't see the point of having a Facebook page... Anonymity doesn't always mean you're hiding something but sometimes I feel as though it's unnecessary.


  1. I absolutely agree, a social media page for the purpose of connecting with other people shouldn't have anonymity, it feels like it ruins the purpose that it was created for.

  2. I agree that people shouldn't be anonymous on Facebook because it does defeat the purpose. Facebook is to reconnect with family and friends. Your supposed to put memories and pictures on Facebook, not be anonymous and cruel. You shouldn't hide behind a screen, you should allow them to know who they're talking about. Good post!
