Thursday, December 3, 2015

Anonymity Good or Bad?

Anonymity may reduce the accountability one perceives to have for their actions, and removes the impact these actions might otherwise have on their reputation. This can have dramatic effects, both useful and harmful to various people involved. It may be used in psychological tactics involving any respective topic to support or discredit any activity or belief. Anonymity may allow people to reveal history and feelings without fear of later embarrassment but can cause physical isolation. Anonymous forums such as 4chan or reddit often provide a soapbox for disruptive conversational behavior, a.k.a "Trolls". Although some of these behaviors are harmless there are some people who take advantage of being anonymous. Relative anonymity is often enjoyed in large crowds. When people post comments that attacks a certain group or even supports a certain group, There will always be people that have different psychological and philosophical reactions to this development.


  1. Hey Chris! I totally agree with you that anonymity does reduce the accountability one perceives for their actions and how it removes the impact on their reputation. That is how anonymity functions. Most people use anonymity harmlessly, but there are those who do abuse it. Anonymity can be used positively or negatively depending on its application. I really liked your thoughts on anonymity. Your analysis is concise and straight forward, and it encompasses and covers a lot of ground on anonymity. Great Job!

  2. Hey EMT buddy! I really enjoyed reading your post. It covers both the pros and cons, as well as my feelings toward anonymity. I agree with you that anonymity can be used out of fear but could also be used abusively. It all just depends on the situation and where the anonymous person stands. Great job speaking your opinion along with the main points on the topic. It was great!
