Friday, December 4, 2015


     "Pages are allowed to be anonymous. That is really important. People start revolutions; we need anonymity." - Sheryl Sandberg. 
      I honestly feel like a person does thing anonymously because they feel as though they can't be themselves in real society so they feel that through being anonymous they can achieve that. It's like that because of how society has become. They feel that they need to be a certain way and act a certain way and say certain things and can't really speak their mind. Yeah, some people have overcome that but in the end society still wants you to act a their way. It's no wonder they would go on somewhere and just speak their mind behind the protection of a screen.  They may act as someone else but that someone else could be a reflection of who they really are or who they want to become. Anonymity is kinda like a way of protection. Protection from the personal feeling one would get from being judged. Anonymity is like a way to rebel from all of society's customs and beliefs and really be themselves. Really show their or our true colors. People find that if they do things anonymously they have a bit more freedom and confidence in what they really want to say and NO TAKE BACKS. I feel like, if you're anonymous, you can really speak your mind and not care about who sees it or even who listens to it. 

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