Thursday, December 3, 2015

Online Trolls

We have been learning a lot this week about Internet Trolls. We learned that it is much easier to say mean things anonymously. I still don't understand how people can go about trying to hurt other people and ruin their self esteem. I wish everyone could just get along and treat each other the way they want to be treated. It isn't a good thing to be abusive online, because if your going to be mean to someone you might as well come from behind the screen and don't be anonymous. Some people don't take what people safe offensively but others care too much about what other people think. If you respond back to negative comments, your just giving them what they want and they will continue to be a bully towards you or whoever they are talking about. Bullies are not cool, and you shouldn't allow them to ruin your life. Everyone's perfect in their own way, remember that next time someone bullies you.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you that people shouldn't hide behind a screen to say what they think. It is always harder to say something in person than doing it through text online which is why trolls love anonymity. Also, it is harder for some people to not let something get to them but you're right, people should just ignore the negative comments.
