Thursday, December 3, 2015

FLETCHER posts the work for FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4

Gosh, I think you know what you're supposed to be doing today, right?

  1. Complete the VOCABULARY HOMEWORK in the back of your notebook (the 8 assigned by me and 8 of your choice)
  2. Work on the GRAMMAR PACKET-- particularly activities 4 and 5
  3. Work on the RHETORICAL PRECIS ASSIGNMENT -- Whitney Phillips and one of your choice
  4. Work on the ROOM FOR DEBATE CHART in your notebook using a Chromebook
  5. Work on the SUMMARY AND RESPONSE for the first three articles (the Google Doc you created), using the Chromebook

I was reading Facebook posts from former students who are currently in college...they are ALL WRITING LOTS OF PAPERS and studying for exams before the winter break.  So this pressure you may be feeling? This is the new normal.  

Have a good day and a relaxing weekend, and I'll see you for SSR on Monday!

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