I think trolls now really have an impact with not only young adults but also kids and grown-ups. I just find it hard to believe how people can be so cruel sometimes on the internet and anonymously. I've seen many people get bashed on, whether it'd be social media or other websites. What sucks the most though is you see our little brothers and sisters fall into that category of trolls. Well, some of them. The sad part is that they see it as funny and humorous, what they don't see is how it affects the person on the other side of the computer or phone. Its weird to think what society has come to with all the technology, and its sad to see how younger kids now a days don't care what they post about other people and don't care how it'll affect that person. I wonder what older generations think about our generation , or the generation after us. Do they sympathize us or do they merely see us as some punk ass kids with no respect for our elders or towards anyone at that? I'd really like to know what we look like now through their perspective .
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