Sunday, April 3, 2016

After viewing articles, watching videos, and discussing about this unit of food politics it has really opened my eyes to how industries simple mass produce animals to fulfill our hunger needs. I find it surprising how corporations use antibiotics to enable the animal to grow at a abnormal rate. I believe the reason for all these antibiotics being injected to the animals is due to the lack of food policies that are being placed, which my research question is based upon. as I researched I came up across articles that the head honchos of food corporations pay off congressmen in order to look the other way of these food policies which is quite shocking, it goes to show that these head honchos don't seem to care about what happens to the animals because they simply care about profits. as well as how Americans have a high chance of getting diseases from these foods the have poor food policies

1 comment:

  1. Nature didn't intend for us to farm this way and the effects are monstrous. Nothing is sacred or in season anymore because we can genetically grow any type of food, engineer to make any part of an animal bigger, for example they have genetically enhance chicken breasts because thats what they know consumers want.
