Tuesday, April 5, 2016

My writing process

My writing process i would say is very complicated. I am really liking this unit but finding sources for my topic. My topic is why organic food so expensive. I found articles that really catch my attention but have nothing to do with my article but as I was finishing my final draft I started to realize that I was just looking in all the wrong places. It was my first research paper and I was really scared to start writing it but as we went over things in class I felt way more confident. This is going to help in me college what also helped me with my research was say what mean chart we did right in the beginning of the unto. It helped by reading each article and made it easier for me to fit it isn't my research paper. Many little tools like that totally helped me with my paper.

1 comment:

  1. My writing process has been difficult too! I just figured out my solid question during the second draft! It sure has been a struggle.
