Sunday, April 3, 2016

Knowledge Gained From "Politics of Food"

When we began this unit, I had very little knowledge about our country’s food policy. Now that I’m more educated on the topic, I see it everywhere; gallons of milk with “Growth Hormone Free!” Stickers and articles on GMO’s seemingly everywhere I visit online. I have learned that a lot of the labels on our food are deceiving. Just because you're eating an apple does not mean that it hasn't been sprayed with pesticides and even though the milk came from hormone free cows, the doesn't mean the cows weren't treated poorly. Everyone seems to be jumping on the organic band-wagon, like big snack companies such as General Mills, buying smaller companies like Annie’s Organic. Did General Mills really buy Annie’s because they believe organic foods are better? I don’t think so.
As eating organically becomes increasingly popular, big companies see it as a business opportunity. I wonder if clean eating and organic foods are just a fad or if these are lasting lifestyles that will still be around in 20 years. A decade ago, no one was doing pressed juice cleanses and there wasn't a vegan donut or cupcake shop on every block in Los Angeles. We knew people who were vegetarians, but to come across someone who was vegan, was rare. It’s encouraging to see this organic and non-GMO movement take off like it has, but I’m doubtful that it will last.
While this unit has been very informative and has opened my eyes to our food policy, I admit that it has not impacted my diet. If anything, it has made me more understanding of the process our food goes through. I now know the difference between regular produce and meats and organic meats and produce. I’m now more educated on the issues and don't just turn a blind eye to them.


  1. I definitely agree Marissa! Most of the seniors I talk to say that this section has caused them to stop eating certain foods, but in all honesty, it has yet to cause me to do that, it has only shown me what it truly happening that I had never known about

  2. My knowledge grew so much, after learning about this topic. Before I didn't really care or pay attention to what the milk products would say, and now I see them everywhere and I now know what they mean. I am glad we learned about this lesson, so now when I see signs, I am informed on what they mean, and I can explain it to my family and friends who don't know. Your right about the apple thing, because unless a sign tells us, we never know what happens to the apple before we purchase it. That's why it is always best to clean off the apple before you eat it.

  3. I agree, even though this unit has opened up my eyes, It hasn't really impacted my eating habits. Most people I have talked to say they see food from different perspectives now and it has completely changed the way they now eat. I think it's amazing to see all these people engaged in this unit, and people changing their eating habits to healthier food choices to gain better health.
