Monday, April 4, 2016

the way we eat.. right or wrong?

Throughout this whole process of whether or not we should eat processed food, I've come to figure out that its doing nothing but harming my body. Will I stop eating fast food? No, but I will try to only eat fast food once in a great while. I definitely think that through all the researching and watching videos I've learned more than I thought I would. Its sickening to see how the animals are being treated. I guess we expect our food to be handled with care and consideration but that's not the way it is. I think I want to start eating organic foods, just simply because organic food is way healthier. In five years I want my body to be healthier than ever, and by eating fast food that won't happen. Hopefully they start treating the animals with good care so that we can start living healthier lives. I guess its a matter of when. This whole food process has brought light to the end of the tunnel, if that makes any sense.


  1. I feel the same way! Lately I've only ate organic fruits and veggies, and my mom started doing groceries at Trader Joes for me but it is literally so much more expensive. I guess it's worth it if it means I'll be living a healthier lifestyle and it will pay off in the long run. Goodluck with attempting to change your diet!

  2. Although I wish I could say I'm doing the same I can't! I know it sounds cruel but my eating habits have not changed. I really want them too so maybe I will start taking care of what I eat more but for now I'll probably stay the same.
