Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Eating Healthy

Everyone says to lose weight you have to eat work out or go on a diet. When I think about you can't lose any weight without EATING HEALTHY! If you just work out and lose a little weight, and then eat something that isn't healthy like a burger, fries, or pizza then you just gain all of you weight back on to your body. Also, instead of stocking all of the cookies and ice cream up in your home, people can switch out all of those unhealthy things with healthier things like vegetables, fruit, and like yogurt. Another thing about going on a diet its unhealthy for your body. People need a certain amount of proteins in the body, and if a person doesn't getting enough then you mess something up. So eating healthy made me think that i was doing something wrong with my diet. I should start eating more healthy foods, and start working out more; as should everyone else. EAT HEALTHY!


  1. You're exactly right, many would be surprised, sadly, but your diet seems to be the most influencing factor in whether or not you can achieve healthfulness. Your body needs to consume healthy and familiar substances to digest, not the mechanized, pulled apart chicken scraps that we get in our chicken nuggets at McDonalds, or in the chicken patties of quite literally every food chain hellbent on selling a sandwich for a quick buck. EAT HEALTHY, and you shall achieve your desired state of being whether physical or not, health is subjective and can be anything from a more alert mind to a more physically toned or fit body. However, you may need to get your daily recommendations of nutrients, but you should add to it if you partake in strenuous activity, such as weight lifting, isolating workout regiments, or marathons/pacers.

  2. It's a pretty simple equation for weight-loss, use more calories than you consume. The problem is, the average American diet is extremely calorie dense, and are so over processed that whatever little nutrients are in the food take ages to digest. That's why eating healthy is so vital to losing weight, consuming less calories means it's easier to burn off the excess, and consuming unprocessed, natural nutrients increases how fast your body can process the food. You do have to work out though, eating a salad every once in a while won't make you shed pounds.
