Friday, April 1, 2016


This unit has taught me so much about different topics. My topic specifically is about animal cruelty and why it should be considered illegal just like animal abuse. While I was researching I came across so many gruesome descriptions that the animal go through on a daily basis. Some of the daily living included poor conditions and others included a cheater life. To further expand, cheating their lives is one of the top reasons why I am against this issue. I believe that all animal have the right to live the way they want to. I understand that they might not fully understand, but that doesn't mean they don't have feelings. It's just disgusting knowing that the chicken I'm boiling at home was given antibiotics to grow bigger without consent. Why don't these animals get to live on their own? It's unfair! Also, the abuse they are treated with in the factory farms should be stopped because it's just as cruel as kicking a dog around. I just wish that one day the way these animals are treated would stop and that the food producers would think of a better and safe way to treat them.


  1. I understand where you are coming from and I also see that as a big issue. However,the truth is that these corporations don't really care about how the animals are treated,they only care about the amount of profit they are gonna get.

  2. Your topic is very intriguing. It's revolting to think how most of the meat we consume has been treated with antibiotics or injected with growth hormones. Unfortunately, it seems that's one of the only ways corporations can keep the money flowing in. Individuals want a good amount of food for what they pay for and to satisfy that demand, it seems that chickens or other animals must be injected with growth hormones. It appears you're a strong advocate to prevent animal abuse so maybe someday you can be the change in the world for animals!

  3. I really like this topic. I was considering doing this topic for my paper. In my paper I do mention why should we pay people for torturing animals. The animals do live in poor conditions and that is right for the farmers to get paid for treating thier animas horrible. We pay so much for organic food because the animals are well fed and not mistreated so basically we pay for what we get.

  4. you are right these animals are being poorly treated and in which cases is animal abuse. but the sad truth is that these animals are simply being mass produced to meet the criteria of our market to be brutally honest an animal in the industry is simple being made for our consumption and profits. I find it so gruesome and morally wrong how these animals are being treated.

  5. This topic is very absorbing because many people don't realize how the poorly these animals were treated in order to satisfy our stomachs. I don't understand how cruel the factories can be towards these animals. I loathe the fact that the government allows these animals to be injected with chemicals knowing that society are the ones who will consume them. I agree that the animals should be taken in consideration and not mistreated poorly.
