Sunday, April 3, 2016

My knowledge on the food industry has grown a lot over the lessons we have learned. My mindset for food started changing before I learned about this stuff, but it changed even more after learning about all the horrible things that happen with our food. I gave up drinking soda and eating chips one day, and two years later I still continue to not eat chips or drink soda. I see my fellow classmates eating chips all the time, and I just think to myself "Don't you know how bad these chips are for you, and how they will affect you in the long run?" I now order a hamburger and think to myself, was this "cow eating a normal grass diet, or did this cow eat corn as their diet?" We need to be informed of these things because if someone is allergic to corn, we have to know so we don't die from it. Another thing is, people think just because they eat strawberries or blueberries that its healthy, but we don't know is if they have been sprayed with pesticide to keep the bugs away, and keep the fruit fresher for longer. That is why I would advise you to always wash off the fruit before you eat it, to ensure your not eating the pesticides. When I go to the grocery store with my family now, I pay attention to all the labels and make sure I know a little about the product before I buy it. I now know how important reading the food labels are, and making sure you understand what you are eating. I don't usually buy foods that have ingredients that I have no idea what they are.


  1. i completely agree with you about how my mindset has changed when it comes to food and what i eat. the simple things like ordering a hamburger which use to be something i would just do without any second thoughts, but now i think twice about my food, where it comes from, and what is in it. also, as a side note, since i work at sprouts farmers marker which is a more "organic based" grocery store if you didn't already know that. now i understand why most of our products have the labels that show if it is organic, natural, GMO free, ect. there are so many of those small things that i never paid attention to that now i understand and also look for those things when i buy my food.

  2. Learning about this food process has been such an eye opening experience to me as well. I never knew how bad fast food was for us until learning about all of this. The fact that so many people turn to fast food is just gross now. Now that I know the harm its doing to our bodies it makes me want to cut down on eating so much of it. The GMOs in our plants to the way our animals are being raised is just disgusting.
