Tuesday, April 5, 2016


We have all been able to learn something valuable by the end of this unit. In the beginning when the topic of food was brought up we were all thinking of how easy this would be since we all love good. However, we of course were wrong. There is so much more to food politics then we would have ever thought of. The government is involved in everything our country does, but what I didn't know was how heavily involved they were in the food system. The food system is all around messed up but there is not much being done about it because of the governments strong involvement. This unit has also taught me how hard it is to write a paper with such a broad topic and freedom. Just today another ERW student and I were talking to a friend who was not in ERW. We were speaking about the topic, and like us in the beginning, the non ERW student went on how easy that would be. All in all, I was able take away information from this unit that I will be able to use in the future.


  1. Hey Briel! I felt the exact same way when we started this unit. I thought that this would be a piece of cake since we're talking about food and everyone can relate to that. However as I actually researched my topic indepently it has proven to be quite difficult. Despite the bump in the roads we may face I felt that we learned a lot! Hope all is well with your paper!

  2. YASSSSSSS BRIEL! ERW has taught us a lot about eating more healthy and eating the right things.
