Monday, October 19, 2015


Even though this year has just started out I am having so much fun.  Being almost 18 I have much more freedom to do what I want.  For the duration of school I have been able to go to many concerts here in Orange and L.A. county.  I have seen so many bands live and it has been pretty much a great experience.  The year is still fresh so I hope to see much more .

Every weekend I am usually in L.A. seeing the local bands play or you can catch me in orange county checking out some free festivals with lots of great talent.

I have high hopes for this year, not only outside of school but in school as well.  So far my favorite thing that has happened in school this year was senior seminar.  There is much more coming my way I can feel it, instead of looking with fear I choose to look through curiosity about the unknowns of this year.  I advise many should do as well.

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