Tuesday, October 20, 2015

It has not hit me yet

I am a senior in high school. I am filling out college applications and making sure I'm on the right track to graduate. It has not hit me yet that next year I could possibly be in college. I think about all the fun times I have had here at Mayfair High School and how I'm going to to miss coming coming here. When I think about the future I see myself pursuing my dreams of becoming a doctor, but I can't picture myself going to college. I think it will hit when I start getting college acceptance letters or maybe rejection letters. It might not even hit me then it might hit me when I'm about to receive my diploma on graduation day. I'm not sure when it's going to hit me but when it does it is going to hit hard. I'm just hoping that I get into college so I can become a doctor like I have always wanted.

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