Wednesday, March 2, 2016

10 Most Common GMO Foods

I recently read an article on Food Matters called "10 Most Common GMO Foods" written by 

Dr. Tasneem Bhatia, MD. It was interesting to read and see how many foods we eat are genetically modified. While it may not be a possible to avoid GMO's completely, knowing the most common foods with GMO's may help navigate the grocery store aisles better.  Unfortunately, unless a food is now labeled organic or non-GMO verified, then chances are that it does contain genetically modified organisms. The most common food that includes GMO is corn. Other foods include, Soy, Rice, Tomato, Beets, Milk, Potato, Papaya.s and Squash. A scary thing I read about the GMO's in milk is "Dairy from cows injected with r-BGH,  a compound that increases growth hormone in cows, has been shown to be associated with a higher risk of cancers than non r-BGH cows. Many schools are trying to pull away from r-BGH milk, while as parents, the best we can do is to continue reading labels. Companies like Organic Valley offer non-GMO dairy options." I think it is definitely hard to stay completely away from GMO's but we should be more cautious these days and read labels and ensure that we are eating healthy organic foods, rather than greasy, "real" foods. 

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