Friday, March 4, 2016

It’s quite shocking how our food is produced. You would think that companies that handle our food would have the decency of giving the human population something that healthy not something that just edible. Most American would wander what’s the different well, something that healthy is something won’t give you a heart attack or give you an upset stomach. Something healthy like fruits and vegetables, things that would give you vitamins and other things your body really needs. Edible food is something you just simply eat and it doesn’t really help your body, it doesn’t even satisfy your hunger unless you eat a bunch of it.  And because you have to eat so much, obesity and diabetes rates have spiked to an unbelievable rate. Even our government has to step in and start telling people “hey how about eating an apple or something”. But that’s all they’ll do because government won’t interfere with how these companies produce our food because our all so trusting food companies have scary powerful lawyers and policies that protect them. Now why would a food company need lawyers and policies to protect them, well because what they do to our food would make you want to chase them out, for example in Food Inc., one female farmer decided to show us how they actually rise chicken, what ends up happening is the chicken aren’t even good for us to eat because the chicken is altered so much that it shouldn’t even be called a chicken it should be called something else. Things need to change, companies need to be stopped, government needs to up their standards on what should be called food because it absolutely disgusting what is passed off as food.

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