Friday, March 4, 2016

While were watching "Food Inc", two issues stood out to me, the Mansanto soy beans and the hamburger law. To me, they both have to do with attorneys and lawyers protecting these big businesses from being penalized for their wrong-doings. Maddie also brought it back to my attention when she came to speak to our class on Monday. The genetically modified beans can't all be accounted for all the time because they are in a natural environment. She also mentioned that that they get swept away by natural occurrences onto farms that produce natural or different kinds of soy beans, there is no way of keeping track of them all. I think the worst part of it all is that these farms/food producers are being sued because they are unknowingly using the Mansanto soy bean. These small farms and food producers are making their goods without the intention of "stealing" thee soy beans. Yet, because the Mansanto soy beans are mass produced, they end up everywhere. The hamburger law issue also bothered me because of the simple fact that a boy died after eating a bad hamburger. His mom only wanted an apology from the producers but that would probably admit guilt and we all know these big companies never do. As she tried to bring the issue to public attention, she was ignored by government. My point is the government and attorneys are protecting these big producers at all costs. They stay on top at the expense of the consumer. It seems like more and more, making goods quickly and efficiently outweighs our food security and the safety of the consumer.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you Jessica. Those are some of the topics that also stood out to me. I just couldn't understand how these food companies could be so powerful. They in a way reminded me of monopolies and what blew me was that there were so many people who were involved in the government that backed these companies up. I just didn't think that things of this nature still went on at this time
