In "Big Food's" quest to kill off the human race (With Trump as a front runner, maybe that's not such a bad thing.), they've managed to find plenty of different and creative ways to bring about human extinction. We're all pretty well educated on the physical effects our food has on us. Rising obesity and diabetes rates and just over all lowered health are the wonderful benefits we reap from food. Acid resistant Ecoli bacteria swarming over the plastic filled meat we all constantly shove down our throat, salmonella coating spinach of all things, all waiting for someone with an immune system not quite strong enough to stop an infection to come along. Food companies go for the slow burn too though. It's a simple concept that they use for their long term plan; people can't survive on a planet that can't support life. Factory farming is responsible for half of the Earth's greenhouse gas emissions. These emissions have been directly linked to the gradual warming of the Earth. Eventually, our ice caps will no longer be able to stay frozen and the Earth will flood. This alone will kill billions of people. The food industry is also number one when it comes to throwing nitrogen and phosphorous, the leading water pollutants, into our rivers and oceans. There's whats called a 'Dead Zone', an area of water where underwater life cannot live, in the Gulf of Mexico,courtesy of our good friend Big Food. It's the size of New Jersey and shows no signs of shrinking. Our food is killing us and our planet and we pay them to do it. Something needs to change, we need to change, so that we can live without the constant threat of the end of the world looming over us.
But how do we stop? We already started killing off our planet and our O-zone layer. Even if we do stop that doesn't stop what as already started. I agree that on what you say about Trump and on the fact that we blindly helping murder off our planet but what can we do now really besides pray that we in our life time we don't see the negative affects that we have caused.