Friday, March 4, 2016

Good or Bad

While looking for sources that supported my question, I came across an article that claimed process food can be healthy for us. When i first read the title of the article I thought that maybe it would be against processed food and would inform me on how they were so bad. Although I wasn't completely right, the article was not what i expected. When I thought of processed food i thought of the pre-cooked frozen meals that we find in the groceries store or the meal with pick up at the nearest fast food restaurant but from what I’ve learned from the Politics and Food topic there is so much more. In the article Processed foods… can be good for you? by Jennifer Huget it is laid out that it would be hard for use to get our nutrients if completely took processed foods out of our diets. I honestly didn’t understand or grasp the concept of this at first. I automatically thought that all processed foods were bad for our bodies and that eliminating them out of our diets altogether would help our health to improve. However, the article explains ways to to processed foods without extremely harming our bodies. There was a quote by Connie Weaver who is the head of the Department of Foods and Nutrition at Purdue University, “It’s not so easy to categorize processed foods as good or bad. We just have to be smart about it, a little more sophisticated.” With this, I understood more of what it meant by processed food not being all bad for you.


  1. I completely understand how it's easy to think processed foods are bad for you. We have been learning about how our food is so modified without our knowledge and when thinking of processed foods, GMO's come to mind. It's good that in this unit we are being forced to learn more about our food because it provides us with this new type of knowledge and awareness that a lot of us didn't have before. Everything in moderation has the potential to be good. Sometimes we need those supplements of nutrients in our food to receive all our vitamins. Being aware of what we eat will be helpful to our future and overall health.

  2. I thought the same thing because this whole unit made processed foods sound like the worst possible source of nutrients on planet earth, but it's good to know that there's helpful nutrients in everything we eat.
