Tuesday, March 15, 2016


I have been researching about the soil where our food comes from. An article I read was about how they are trying to use a new system called the water system. The way it works is the nutrients is dissolved into the water and they grow the fruits and vegetables from the water. It seems likes a cool idea to me. This new system would allow them to grow more fruits and vegetables than they do right now. When I read this article I was very interested in learning where our food is coming from. I never realized how interesting dirt could really be. 


  1. Soil is really interesting and probably the main source for ALL our food. I find it even more interesting how you can just grow fruits and such from a cool system like the water system. It makes me think if that way would be even more better than the regular soil we grow our fruits and vegetables now. Nowadays that soil is being tampered with in order to speed up the process of growing our food. They are just basically throwing chemicals into them and taking out all the nutrients from the soil. Taking nutrients away from our food :(

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