Tuesday, March 15, 2016

How do the properties of soil affect plant growth and how do soil organisms affect the plants?

My research topic is about how soil and the organisms affect plant growth. What I've learned so far is that the soil has many different properties, and that they all have some affect on the plants growth. This topic has a variety of different things to say so that's why I decided it would be a good topic to write my research paper on. So far I've learned that the soil is the provider for roots to anchor and grow, the organisms affect the soil by building passageways through the soil, they also affect soil by aeration, drainage, moisture, fertility, nutrient availability, and structure. I didn't even know that organic matter or different types of soil affected a plants growth. Bacteria can also help improve the soil structure by their glue and threads. I've already found so many different things to talk about in my research paper, since I picked an easy topic. Its easy to find multiple articles on the topic, and I find different articles by searching different wordings of the question and still get many articles on the matter. Different organisms that live in the soil do various things for the soil that affects the growth of the plant.

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