Friday, March 4, 2016

Do GMOs cause Health Problems?

When thinking about processed food now, after watching the Food Inc. movie, makes me really want to know what's going into my body. It's so crazy to think that that's what our world has come to, making our food quantity over quality, if that makes any sense. We want to make food of larger quantity and not care to check what or how it's being made. The fact that I have become so careless to look at the ingredients and check what's being put into my body. Now I question everything I eat, Is this actually good for me? How will eating this affect my body in the near future? Also, watching the Ted Talks video, to see how they're growing the vegetables with GMOs. In an article I read called 7 Ways GMOs Affect Your Health by Alana Marie Burke explains all the harmful ways that GMOs can affect humans. Eggs, Milk, Soy, Wheat, Fish, Shellfish, Peanuts, and Tree Nuts are the most common allergens that GM foods intersect and can cause food allergies. Also, GM crops can be toxic to the kidney and liver. The GMOs might have caused a raise in gluten sensitivity. Can GMOs cause cancer or birth defects in children? Thats the question I think that most of us don't think about. I think if people were to ask themselves that question there would be a panic because those are serious affects to our bodies. 
I think we all need to really be concerned on how this will affect each and every one of us in 20-30 years from now. 

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