Thursday, March 31, 2016

A New Mindset Going Forward

From the first day that we started this food unit, I have learned something new everyday. My eyes have been opened to the glaring food issues in this country. The monopoly of huge corporations like Monsanto is only the start of the issues involving food in America.The healthiness and proper production of food has become second to the amount of money or profit that can be made. I've learned that many of the things that I would eat almost everyday is in fact not healthy at all, and contains biochemical products and other harmful things. This unit has definitely raised my consciousness of they way our food is produced in this country. Also, I have learned ways to still have access to healthy food, like gardening. To influence the food industry today i would propose that we build more community gardens in those areas that are considered food deserts.      


  1. Brian -
    I agree that this unit has been very eye opening. Before this unit I was not as aware of how our food is produced. Like you, I have also become conscious of what I eat every day. Now, I catch myself looking looking at the nutrition labels on different foods before eating and searching through the ingredients to see if there is something that will harm my health. Gardening is definitely a huge plus in a society that is filled with an abundance of unhealthy foods. It's all about how we want to live our life - healthy and consuming nutritional foods or unhealthy and consuming a lavish amount of sugar, fat, and sodium.

  2. I also agree that it opened many of our classrooms eyes, but in all honestly, I knew? Like it's disgusting but it doesn't really bother me. It's pretty cool that you have a proposition towards our environmental system and to influence the food industry. It's also pretty nice that you saw your own problem that we might not be eating healthily. For example, eating chips and some milk for breakfast is what most teenagers usually do and eat on weekends. Good job.
    -Robin Hwang

  3. This is so true. I felt like I knew there were things to look out for, but I didn't realize how many different problems the food production is apart of. This is definitely eye opening and it makes me cautious about my eating today. All in all, I agree with you Brian and very well job!

  4. Like all the above comments, I have to agree. Throughout this unit I learned many new things about food politics, even though some things were already pretty familiar. Although it didn't succeed in changing my diet, I do believe the food system needs some regulating.
