Tuesday, March 15, 2016

The Big Paper

In our ERW class we all have to write this paper on a question that we made up ourselves. The question has be on something about food, anything about food. Then we have to do research on are question. This is very difficult to do because we have to make sure are question is re-searchable. My question for this research paper  is " What makes snacks food so addictive; what is in the some of the snacks?" It took me a while to figure out this question, because a lot of the questions I had in my head were taking. Just like other people in ERW class might be having the same problem. We might also have problems with writing the body of the paper. But if we all work to and make sure we get all the research we can get; we should just be fine. That's one thing Peter Elbow taught me, was to think, plan, and research. WE GOT THIS GUYS!

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