Friday, March 4, 2016


In class we've been talking, reading, and watching videos about food. While discussing about food and learning new things about it, I think children should learn about food and what is going in their bodies. So  many kids look at these commercials about fast food, toys, and games, so they want to go to them because these commercials catches their attentions. It is the parents job to regulate these types of food and have more fresh homemade food. I think if a child is having  soda all the time or eating out constantly, then it would become a habit when they're older. A child should eat correctly and know what eat, so when they're an adult, they would be healthy and making better eating choices. If every kid is taught about healthy food and what to avoid to eat, then maybe that could make a difference in obesity and diabetes. I get food is amazing and everyone loves it because it gives a our body this comfortable feeling, especially during bad times, but eating our all the time is bad for your body. So yeah. Have a great day.


  1. Hi Jacob. I agree with your plan to teach younger kids about what they are eating. What would be your first step to doing so?

  2. You bring up some good points about teaching children helathy eating habits. At our school, health is a requirement for graduation and is something all students take. How effective do you think this class is? I took health online and learned a lot about the science side of healthy eating and lifestyle, but I am not sure how much this class actually led me to eat healthier. What do you guys think? What more can we do to teach our kids?
