Friday, March 4, 2016

How animals are mistreated in company farms

After watching the movie Food Inc i looked up some articles to explain how companies treat their animals. The article that caught my eye was Factory Farming: Misery for Animals on the Peta Website. The Peta website says that most of the factory farms now a days have their chicken cooped in a dark shed with wires cages and metal crates. These can easily make the animal feel tortured and unsafe. It is important for animals to feel the fresh air. The big corporations want to sell their animals at a low price so they have low quality farms that don't care for their animals. They have them in small beds and very uncomfortable. They also have antibiotics injected into them bodies to make them grow faster. These things really affect the way animals think and a feel, is it really worthy to torture animals to satisfy our stomachs. They has  to be a safer and more careful way to eat these animals. I am not saying that we should all become vegans. I am just implying that we should look out for more organic stuff because they are really treat the animals the way they need to be treated. 


  1. Animal mistreatment is an interesting topic to discuss. I wonder what legislation our government could introduce to help prevent animal mistreatment. Theoretically, could the government pass a law preventing the food industry from using feedlots, antibiotics, or feeding their animals corn. It's an interesting question, one that I don't know the answer to, but it would be interesting for future research.

  2. I think it's sad that animals are mistreated, and to think what we put in our bodies is kind of scary too. The injections in chickens makes me nervous to eat chicken now, just because I wonder how it will affect my body in thirty years from now. It's a lot to take in with the mistreating of the animals. And how we want cheap food and are willing to put up with low and disgusting factories. I agree that we should start eating more organic food, or maybe food without GMOs would be nice. And I wonder how many people would switch to organic food if they actually were to know what's being put in the food we eat.

  3. It sucks to be these animals because they don't have the kind of freedom we do. Plus these animals are treated like lab rats somewhat. They plump them up in the dark and later pick them up, and just kill them off. Some people have their own mindsets on what food can be and I think if they have an wasteful heart, they'll lose it, and they''ll be vegan. And for me, not so much.
    -Robin Hwang

  4. It sucks to be these animals because they don't have the kind of freedom we do. Plus these animals are treated like lab rats somewhat. They plump them up in the dark and later pick them up, and just kill them off. Some people have their own mindsets on what food can be and I think if they have an wasteful heart, they'll lose it, and they''ll be vegan. And for me, not so much.
    -Robin Hwang
