Tuesday, March 15, 2016

research paper question why do we have to pay so much to eat healthy

As i am writing my first draft and i soon start to realize that i am having trouble with this kind of question. My main problem is that i want to try to tie Animal cruelty and the prices but it is so hard to find an article that ties those two things together. I really enjoy writing this paper but at sometimes i got a little stressful. when you think about organic food prices they seem to vary some high cost then regular processed food that tends to be bad for us. this is how my question came about. i want to know the real understanding of why we have to pay so much just to become a healthy person. I remember when we watched the movie food inc in class, there was a family where they would said it easier to get a $1 hamburger then it is to go to the grocery store and buy to groceries to eat healthy. Why do we feel the need to raise prices on such healthy vegetables and fruits.  Ms. Fletcher gave me a great idea to help me with my research paper she said to get a $1 hamburger and see what attracts the consumers to this food other than it's price. I have yet to do so but i want to get my reader's perspective on cheap and unhealthy food.


  1. I completely agree and would want to know the same thing! I've never really tried to eat healthy but with the prices healthy foods have I wouldn't want to. I feel as if families sometimes choose not to be healthy just because they don't want to. Most of us could afford the healthier items but we choose not to but I don't know the reason why.

  2. Your research question is really interesting. You don't necessarily have to locate articles that has the exact answer you're looking for - if you do find some, then that's great - but you want to try to prove your point. Find articles that show the social trends with cheap food and the poverty line with diabetes. You got this Alyssa!
