Friday, March 4, 2016

Fighting the Big Dog

I never thought I'd look at chicken the way I do now. I'm not mad at the bird, or even the meat packing industries. I'm a little more disappointed in myself and the fact that  I turned a blind eye to where my food comes from. I know I'm pretty misinformed about it since no food corporation will openly explain how they get the chicken to your dinner plate, so I can't be completely disappointed in myself, but it's definitely changed my perspective on several things concerning this. I'm now paranoid about every food that I eat. I can't eat without wondering where this animal once was or what types of GMOs were added to it. Now, al these things are very traumatizing, but what I fear the most is big name corporations. We can read and discuss every article and "TED talk" video that concerns this topic, but, realistically, what can we do to change things? These big corporations have millions of dollars in their pockets and they could sue the heck out of a little guy like me just for questioning their methods. We (the little guy) have to come up with something to drive the big dog (meat packing corporations) insane. Any ideas?

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