Tuesday, March 29, 2016

My Writing Process

My writing process for my food politics research paper has been a tough one. To begin with, I had trouble thinking of a topic and it took some time before I actually found something I liked and wanted to stick with. After I  found my topic the research process was a little bit easier. I enjoyed finding reliable articles and writing short summaries of them for my annotated bibliography. When reading the articles I found that they were filled with lots of information about the topic. Some of the information was exactly what I was looking for, but I also found a lot of stuff I did not know, that would be great to include in my research paper. While reading several articles, I became aware of a lot of issues in our food system. For example, I learned that meat (along with many other foods) is so processed that it loses all of its flavor and has to be injected with chemicals that make it taste like meat again. That is only one of the many new things I learned while researching about my topic. Honestly this whole chapter on foods has been interesting and I enjoy writing about it in my research paper.


  1. Yea I agree,everything in this unit is most likely involving something that you knew little about. As you research you learn a lot of new thing about the food and how it is being produced. Some things are good,but most of the things we have discover is bad.

  2. My writing process was exactly like yours. I had a very hard time trying to find a good topic that I can back up sources. Once I found a topic to write about i had to find sources that are good to mention in the paper. This unit really opened my eyes though on how difficult are food system is. It is more than just food now.
